Url https://mint-shrew.lnx.warwick.ac.uk/s/dante-s-female-public/item/5228 Resource class bibo:Book Title "A Dante Society among fishermen" Creator Graydon, Katherin Merrill Subject https://archive.org/details/dialjournallitcrit23chicrich/page/110/mode/2up?q=dante Graydon, Katherin Merrill "A Dante Society among fishermen"in Dial, Sept. 1, 1897, vol. xxiii, p. 110 Date 1897 Language 2397 Table Of Contents in Dial, Sept. 1, 1897, vol. xxiii, p. 110 . A letter to the editor detailing the existence of a Dante Society in San Francisco Bay. "(To the Editor of THE DIAL.) In your issue for June 1, the article upon " Dante in America " suggests the publication of an interesting fact. About San Francisco Bay is a settlement of Italian fishermen whose condition is apparently without an aspir- ation other than to have a supply of the black bread they eat and the sour wine they drink ; yet these people sup- port a society for the study of Dante. One wonders whether a similar organization could be found among English miners, for a knowledge of their great Shakespeare! KATHARINE MERRILL GRAYDON. Berkeley, Cal., August 15, 1897" Temporal Coverage 3482 3481 ShortDescription 3602 Source date 5550 --